The Second Coming of Jesus (Isa) in the Risale-i Nur: A Detailed Analysis

Jesus’ Ascension and Current State

The Second Coming of Jesus (Isa) in the Risale-i Nur: A Detailed Analysis

The Second Coming of Jesus (Isa) in the Risale-i Nur: A Detailed Analysis

The concept of the second coming of Jesus Christ (Isa, peace be upon him) is a profound and vital belief in Islamic eschatology, intricately explored in Bediüzzaman Said Nursi’s Risale-i Nur. According to Nursi, Jesus is a figure of great spiritual and miraculous significance, with both his first and second appearances marked by divine intervention beyond the usual laws of nature. This analysis delves into how the Risale-i Nur interprets the nature of Jesus’ second coming and its broader implications for humanity, particularly in the end times.

The Miraculous Creation and First Coming of Jesus

In the Risale-i Nur, Nursi presents Jesus as an exceptional being, emphasizing his miraculous creation. The Quran likens Jesus’ creation to that of Adam in Surah Al-Imran (3:59):
"Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then He said to him, ‘Be,’ and he was."
This comparison highlights Jesus’ creation without a father, much like Adam’s creation without parents, as an example of God’s power to transcend the natural laws He Himself has established.

Jesus' extraordinary creation is an example of "hark-ul-adat" (disruption of the natural order), where God's will overrides the laws of nature for specific purposes. Nursi emphasizes that God sometimes suspends these laws to show His absolute sovereignty over all things. In this sense, Jesus, born without a father, serves as a unique manifestation of God’s supreme will, which cannot be bound by earthly limitations.

Jesus’ Ascension and Current State

According to Risale-i Nur, Jesus did not die but was instead raised to the heavens by God, awaiting his return to Earth in the future. His physical body was not subject to the same worldly conditions, allowing him to ascend into a more refined, spiritual state. Nursi references how Jesus, like the prophet Idris, was elevated to a "nurani" (light-filled) realm, where they live in a form that transcends the physical limitations of human life. This "long intermission" in Jesus' earthly life is seen as a preparation for his ultimate role at the end of time.

Nursi supports the notion that Jesus will return to Earth not in an abstract, symbolic sense but in his physical body. His second coming will fulfill the prophecy that he will confront Dajjal (the Antichrist), ending his reign of terror and guiding humanity towards truth and salvation.

Hadiths and the Prophecy of Jesus’ Return

The hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) provide detailed descriptions of Jesus’ return. According to these traditions, Jesus will descend from the heavens, break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the Jizya (tax levied on non-Muslims). These acts symbolize the restoration of true monotheism, the eradication of falsehoods, and the establishment of divine justice on Earth.

Nursi addresses how some scholars have struggled to interpret these hadiths, leading to confusion among believers. Some reject these prophecies, considering them metaphorical or unrealistic. However, Risale-i Nur emphasizes that these hadiths contain deep meanings, often misunderstood when taken at face value. Nursi explains that Jesus’ return is not merely a fantastical or literal event but one of profound spiritual and religious significance. His return symbolizes the victory of faith and truth over materialism, atheism, and secularism, forces that will dominate the world in the end times.

The Context of Jesus’ Second Coming: A Struggle Against Materialism

One of the key points Nursi makes in his interpretation of Jesus’ return is its context within the broader battle between faith and disbelief. He explains that, in the end times, there will be two main currents of disbelief:

  1. The first is atheism and materialism, born out of naturalistic philosophy and rejecting belief in God.
  2. The second is the deification of science and reason, a secular movement that undermines faith in the unseen.

In this battle, Jesus will emerge as a defender of divine truth. His second coming represents the re-establishment of true Christianity, which will have been corrupted by false beliefs over time. This purified Christianity will align with Islam, merging into a single unified faith that upholds monotheism and the worship of God. Nursi describes this process as the "spiritual victory" of Jesus over the forces of secularism and materialism.

The Mysterious Nature of Jesus’ Return

Nursi emphasizes that Jesus' return will not be recognized by all. Only those with true faith will recognize him, and his presence may not be immediately obvious to everyone. This is crucial to preserving the test of faith that defines human life. Jesus will not publicly declare his identity or perform miracles to prove himself, as the true believers will know him through the "light of faith."

This idea aligns with Nursi’s belief that the spiritual struggle of the end times will require insight and discernment. Jesus’ second coming is not about spectacle but about spiritual revival and guidance for those who seek the truth. Nursi warns that those who rely solely on outward appearances or shallow interpretations of religious prophecies may miss the true significance of Jesus’ return.

The Role of Risale-i Nur in Clarifying the Second Coming

Nursi positions the Risale-i Nur as a crucial tool in understanding the eschatological truths surrounding Jesus' return. He argues that the misinterpretations and confusion surrounding Jesus' second coming—whether through literalism or complete denial—are harmful to the Muslim community. The Risale-i Nur provides an interpretation that bridges the gap between literal and allegorical readings of these prophecies, offering clarity and strengthening the faith of believers.

The Risale-i Nur emphasizes that the spiritual mission of Jesus upon his return will not be limited to a single religion or group but will have a universal impact. His teachings will restore the true essence of divine religion, transcending divisions between Islam and Christianity and uniting them in a common purpose: the worship of one God and the establishment of peace and justice on Earth.

Conclusion: The Imminence and Importance of Jesus’ Second Coming

According to Risale-i Nur, the second coming of Jesus is not merely an event to be awaited in passive hope. It is a profound spiritual transformation that will mark the end of an era dominated by materialism and disbelief. Nursi emphasizes that Jesus' return is certain and supported by divine wisdom, though the exact details of how and when it will occur remain hidden from human knowledge.

His return will be a beacon of hope for humanity, a sign of divine mercy in a world plagued by darkness and disbelief. For Nursi, understanding the deeper meaning of Jesus' second coming is essential for strengthening one's faith and preparing for the trials and tribulations of the end times. It is a reminder that, in the face of rising atheism and materialism, the ultimate victory belongs to truth, faith, and divine justice.