What Will Happen Upon Jesus’ Return?

Numerology and Astrological Speculations on Jesus’ Return

What Will Happen Upon Jesus’ Return?

What Will Happen Upon Jesus’ Return?


Islamic teachings describe Jesus’ second coming as a pivotal moment in world history. His return will mark the beginning of a period of peace and justice, ending the reign of falsehood and evil. Here is what is expected to happen:

  1. The Defeat of Dajjal: Jesus will descend at a time when Dajjal’s influence is at its peak. He will confront and kill Dajjal, ending his tyranny and deception.

  2. Establishment of Justice: After defeating Dajjal, Jesus will rule with absolute justice, uniting all believers and restoring harmony among people. The world will enter a golden age where peace prevails, and people live in accordance with divine guidance.

  3. Unification of Mankind: Jesus will call all people to the true worship of one God, and divisions among nations and religions will cease. His leadership will create a world where oppression and falsehood have no place.

  4. End of False Beliefs: Jesus’ mission will also correct misconceptions about his life and role. The narrative of his death and divinity will be clarified, and he will be recognized as a prophet and servant of God.

Numerology and Astrological Speculations on Jesus’ Return

Though religious texts do not provide exact dates for Jesus' return, numerology and astrology have sparked speculation about its timing. In numerology, significant numbers such as 33 (the age at which Jesus was believed to have been crucified) and 7 (symbolizing completion and spiritual perfection) are seen as holding deeper meanings connected to Jesus’ mission. Some theorists argue that the convergence of certain celestial events, such as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in 2020, symbolizes the opening of a new spiritual age, possibly linked to Jesus’ return.

However, such interpretations should be approached with caution. While astrology and numerology may offer symbolic reflections, they are not definitive tools for predicting religious or spiritual events. The exact time of Jesus’ return is known only to God, and humans are advised to remain watchful and prepared.

Is the Return of Jesus Near?

Religious texts, particularly in Islam, caution against trying to pinpoint the exact timing of Jesus' return. However, the growing presence of conflict, injustice, and moral decay in today’s world has led some scholars and believers to speculate that the end times may be approaching. The rise of global crises, environmental disasters, and social unrest are often seen as signs that humanity is on the brink of major change.

That being said, it is essential to remember that Jesus’ return is an event decreed by divine wisdom, and its timing is beyond human comprehension. Believers are encouraged to focus on righteous actions, faith, and justice while waiting for the fulfillment of these prophecies.

Conclusion: The Return of Jesus—A Time of Hope and Renewal

The return of Jesus (Isa) is one of the most anticipated events in both Islamic and Christian eschatology. His coming is associated with justice, peace, and the restoration of truth. While the exact time of his return is unknown, the signs described in the Quran, hadiths, and other religious texts provide insight into the conditions that will precede his arrival. As humanity faces increasing challenges, the hope for his return offers a message of hope, renewal, and divine intervention.

Regardless of when this event takes place, believers are reminded to stay steadfast in their faith, uphold justice, and strive for unity and peace. The second coming of Jesus represents a time when oppression will end, and righteousness will prevail, bringing humanity closer to its divine purpose.
